Vidya Balan is presently taking tutions in a particular UP dialect for her upcoming film, Ishkiyaan. The film stars Vidya opposite Arshad Warsi and Naseeruddin Shah. Vidya’s role in the film has a few grade shades and she is supposed to fool the uncle-nephew duo of Naseer and Arshad in it. Ishkiyaan is produced by Vishal Bharadwaj and directed by his assistant director Abhishek Chaubey.
Our source reveals, “When Vidya was given the final draft of the script, she expressed her inability to be very fluent in mouthing the UP dialect which one saw in Vishal’s Omkara which was incidentally co-written by Ishkiyaan director Abhishek Chaubey along with Vishal. The trio then mutually agreed upon having a tutor for Vidya for 15 days to get her well versed with the language and speak in the right dialect. Vidya is a South Indian but she is picking up the language very fast. The film shoot begins from mid October.”
Konkona Sen had faced the same language problem when shooting for Omkara and that time, Vishal had taught the language himself. Konkona had gone on to bag the Best Supporting Actress National Award for that role. Looks like Vidya might just do that!
Special language lessons to learn a specific UP dialect for her upcoming next, Ishkiyaan. This Vishal Bharadwaj production directed by his assistant Abhishek Chaubey stars Naseeruddin Shah and Arshad Warsi along with Vidya.
Our source revealed, “Vishal and Abhishek have written the script of Ishkiya. The film has the same lingo that one saw (heard) in Vishal’s Omkara (2006). When the script was narrated to Vidya first, she had her apprehensions about her ability to be deliver the lines fluently in that chaste UP dialect. The actress’ mother tongue is South Indian and though she speaks Hindi well, she is not so comfortable speaking the rural UP lingo. Vishal and Vidya then mutually agreed upon having a special tutor for her to learn the lingo and achieve the perfect tone of delivering it. The film is going to shot in parts of eastern UP and in Delhi from next month. Vidya is expected to master her command over the dialect by then.”
One can remember Konkona Sen Sharma too having the same problem of delivering her lines in the required UP dialect in Omkara being a Bengali. Vishal had then tutored her himself for somedays and gave her confidence. Konkona went on to win a National Award for her role in Omkara.
Vidya Balan taking tutions in Ishkiyaan