Deepika has been burning headlines continuously for some or other reasons. Be it her debut release 'OM SHANTI OM' opposite SRK, or the number of men in her life. The tall & slender beauty who once upon a time dated model Nihar Pandya in her modeling days, then the newest lad of kapoor clan Ranbir kapoor before the movie release, then with cricketers Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Yuvraj Singh after the smashing hit at box-offce is now again seen with Ranbir.
According to the latest news, it seems that Ranbir Kapoor is back with his ex-girlfriend Deepika. According to sources they have been repeatedly spotted together in public. Recently the duo was seen together at Filmfare event and coincidentally they also acted in one of the cola commercials.
It is still tough to guess the ultimate man for Deepika .